After months of mind-mapping any documentary idea I could come up with, I finally settled on a topic. Vigilante Paedophile Hunting. An obscure topic, I know, but it's also one that creates an argument. An argument that I can wholehearted see the value in both sides, which is what I found so interesting and why I knew it would make for an interesting documentary.
It's the depth of this topic that I found so fascinating, I could go anywhere with it, geographically and creatively. It's a relatively misinformed area of the internet with many arguments taking place based off speculation rather than fact. This is what I wanted to achieve, I wanted to inform, I wanted to create a piece of journalism that meant something.
After landing on this topic I began to research. Researching the biggest Hunting Groups online, the facts and figures surrounding successful convictions and any other pieces of journalism focussing on the topic.
A documentary was shown on Channel 4 in 2011 focussing on Stinson Hunter, a Paedophile Hunter who was just starting out, still awaiting his first conviction. This was back when being a hunter was very much so being a vigilante.
Hunter evidence is now much, much more widely accepted in court and this was a side to the story that hasn't been told, yet. This will form the basis of my documentary because the Hunting landscape has changed immensely since Channel 4 first documented it and I wanted to be the one to provide that update.